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Frequently Asked Questions

CTS College: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to get you started.

What are the programme's entry requirements?

In general, each programme has its own entry requirements. To view each programme's entry requirement, click on the relevant programme below.

Note: If your programme is not mentioned above, there may be no formal entry requirements. Please contact us for further details.

What fees are payable to CTS College?

The CTS College registration fee for the ABE and CIPS programme is $200 per semester and for all other tertiary education programmes $500 per semester. The number of semesters vary with each programme.

What fees are payable to the examining bodies?

The fees outlined below are payable to the examining bodies of the relevant programmes:

Programme Cost Per Module Cost # Modules Method of Assessment
ABE Level 4 GBP £45 Per Module 4 Modules 3 Exams | 1 Assignment
ABE Level 5 GBP £60 Per Module 6 Modules 3 Exams | 3 Assignments
ABE Level 6 GBP £60 Per Module 6 Modules 3 Exams | 3 Assignments
CIPS Advanced Certificate GBP £56.50 Exam +
GBP £36.50 Venue [OR Exam]
Per Module 5 Modules Computer Based Exams
CIPS Diploma GBP £56.50 Exam +
GBP £36.50 Venue [OR Exam]
GBP £73.50 Exam +
GBP £55 Venue [CR Exam]
Per Module 8 Modules Computer Based Exams
CIPS Advanced Diploma GBP £56.50 Exam +
GBP £36.50 Venue [OR Exam]
GBP £73.50 Exam +
GBP £55 Venue [CR Exam]
Per Module 8 Modules Computer Based Exams
CIPS Professional Diploma GBP £56.50 Exam +
GBP £36.50 Venue [OR Exam]
GBP £73.50 Exam +
GBP £55 Venue [CR Exam]
Per Module 7 Modules Computer Based Exams
BABA GBP £150 Per Module 8 Modules Coursework only (no Exams)
MBA GBP £250 Per Module 6 Modules Assignments only (no Exams)
BSc – Level 4 GBP £150 Per Module 4 Module Assignments only (no Exams)
BSc – Level 5 GBP £150 Per Module 4 Module Assignments only (no Exams)
BSc – Level 6 GBP £375 Per Module 4 Module Assignments only (no Exams)

What are the payment methods for exam/assessment fees?

The payment method varies from one awarding body to another. For the University of Hertfordshire programmes, fees can be paid online via credit card directly to the University. For the ABE, CIPS and University of Bedfordshire programmes, the fees payable to the awarding body must be paid in GBP currency via a bank draft, pound notes or wire transfer to CTS College of Business and Computer Science Ltd.

How many modules are required to complete the programme?

The number of modules varies from one programme to another. See the table above for the number of modules in each programme.

How are the students assessed? are there exams, coursework, projects etc?

Some programmes are assessed by coursework only and some by a combination of coursework and examination. The table above gives the assessment methods for each programme.

Who do I contact for the programme that I am interested in?

Below are the contact details for general enquiries and the relevant personnel based on the various programmes offered at CTS College:

Programme Contact Email Address Phone
General Enquiries - Study@CTSCollege.com

(868) 671-2551

(868) 671-2872

(868) 672-6289

(868) 665-6471

(868) 290-0961

(868) 392-8872

ABE and KidsMBA Mr. Narine Neeranjan
Mr. Alvin Ramsamooj

(868) 790-9095

(868) 431-6051


Mr. Sheldon Singh

Mrs. Marie Maharaj-Bannister


(868) 398-5035

(868) 368-3635

BSc Information Technology

Mr. Aaron Narace

Ms. Shai-An Baljour

(868) 328-8594

(868) 286-0862


Mr. Jude Bernard

Mr. Sheldon C. Singh

Mrs. Marie Maharaj-Bannister


(868) 796-2140

(868) 398-5035

(868) 368-3635


Mr. Ravi Johnson

Mrs. Amrika Baboolal


(868) 720-9537

(868) 376-6197

Secondary School

Mr. Charles McLean

Mrs. Cindy Johnson

Ms. Rianna Sookoo


(868) 251-6551

(868) 376-5575

(868) 432-3164

Primary and Preschool

Ms. Nasara Alibaksh

Ms. Shenellee Bryce

(868) 354-3734

(868) 432-3291

Professional Certifications Ms. Reena Seepersadsingh Certifications@CTSCollege.com

(868) 376-7721

(868) 740-9095

Business Certifications Ms. Kelly Ann Bholasingh Certifications@CTSCollege.com

(868) 360-3209

(868) 740-9095

IT Certifications Mr. Matthew Christian Certifications@CTSCollege.com

(868) 720-2939

(868) 740-9095

Do It Yourself Courses Mr. Matthew Christian Certifications@CTSCollege.com

(868) 720-2939

(868) 740-9095

We are an ACTT recognised institution and partner with international awarding bodies
