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CTS College Wins 3 ABE World Prizes in the March and June 2021 Assessments

Posted on: 7 December, 2021

CTS College has once again demonstrated its prowess! Having already secured more Association of Business Executives (ABE) World Prizes than any other tertiary institution in Trinidad and Tobago over the past five years, CTS College continues to soar and uphold academic excellence. In the March and June 2021 assessment series, we proudly clinched three ABE World Prizes.

CTS College has always taken great pride in the exceptional academic achievements of our students. Throughout the years, the college has built a reputation for providing outstanding student support and going the extra mile to ensure that all students achieve academic excellence. This commitment is evidenced by our students consistently earning world prizes in the ABE and University of Hertfordshire programmes.

At this juncture, the college extends its heartfelt congratulations and commendation to our hardworking lecturers in the ABE programme: Mr. Rama Mathura, Mrs. Jenelle Alexander-Ramkissoon, Mr. Arnold Ramjitsingh,and Mr. Nigel Bhagwatsaran, who instructed all three award winners on this occasion.

The significance of attaining an ABE World Prize cannot be overstated, as it requires perseverance, dedication and a touch of brilliance on the part of the student. We extend our sincere and well-deserved congratulations to the following ABE March and June 2021 World Prize winners of CTS College:

Student Name Unit Name Lecturer
Miss Abigail Allahar Human Resource Management Mr. Nigel Bhagwatsaran
Ms Alliyah Aleshia Alexander Employee Engagement Mr. Nigel Bhagwatsaran
Ms Farah Ali Managing Agile Organisations & People Mr. Nigel Bhagwatsaran

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We are an ACTT recognised institution and partner with international awarding bodies
