Posted on: 23 Dec, 2022
Following CTS College’s recent success in the June 2022 ABE Assessments in which our students won eight ABE Top Paper Awards extending our winning streak to seven consecutive years, we have cause to celebrate yet another academic achievement as our part time CSEC student Aidan Johnson has excelled in the June 2022 CSEC Exams.
Aidan not only attained 8 distinctions in his 8 subjects, but was also featured on CXC’s CSEC Merit List by placing 4th in Mathematics in the entire Caribbean, quite an achievement considering the number and quality of students writing this mandatory subject throughout the Caribbean. Aidan follows in his sister’s footsteps who was also a CTS College part time student and attained 8 CXC grade I’s in the June 2021 exams.
Aidan thanks CTS College, his CTS College Mathematics teacher Mr. Vishal Goonada, his own full time school and teacher and his parents for the support provided during the last year. He is currently in Lower 6th form and states he would like to pursue Engineering at the tertiary level.
We congratulate Aidan on this extraordinary achievement and wish him all the best in his bright future ahead. Keep reaching for the stars Aidan because there is no limit to your potential.
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#120 Montrose Main Road, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies