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Academic Writing Sessions 2012

Posted on: 11 Nov, 2012

To ensure students are equipped with the necessary critical thinking and articulation skills, at the beginning of each semester CTS College will be conducting Academic Writing Sessions for all degree and masters students. The objective is to improve the skills set of students and ensure they are apprised of the required level of writing standards at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

As a tertiary level learner students can expect to engage with complex and challenging issues and become critically alert to contemporary debates and concurrent innovations in the subject field. The academic writing sessions are intended as a general reference for writing assignments that conform to the required standards. It is more practical than theoretical and is likely to be a key component of successfully undertaking assignments and essays.

For more information on the Academic Writing Sessions please contact your respective Programme Manager at CTS College!

We are an ACTT recognised institution and partner with international awarding bodies
